Talking in Paint

A successful collaboration between two artists was celebrated in Lavistown Garden Gallery during Kilkenny Arts Week this summer 2018.

Anthony Donohue has been painting in KCAT Art Centre for ten years.Julie Cusack is a facilitating tutor in KCAT. Julie and Anthony ‘heard’each other with their eyes, with a shared sense of aesthetic.They were able to recognise themselves in each other’s work and a relationship of peer painting developed between them.Communication without words,communication of canvas, brush, colour, texture.
‘Talking in Paint’  traced the studio hours spent together and allowed  us to eavesdrop on their painted conversations.Anthony does not express himself in conventional ways. He has been painting with broad brush strokes and a changing palette over the years and Julie works in abstract expressionism, often with landscape but using sources that vary from time to time. Anthony’s sources are a mystery to us. An internal landscape seems to emerge. He shares his moods which can be dark in colours of shade and heaviness; he shares his joy in pure yellow and variations of light.

Both Julie and Anthony’s work can be viewed by appointment.

Contact Alice on 0567755115 for more information.